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Land Rover Dealership Grabs Attention with Silicone Edge Graphics

Land Rover dealerships across the country have always struggled with the best balance of auto signage display and functional office spaces. With showrooms and ever-changing advertisements, it is challenging to have large impact graphics that compliment the space and can easily be updated with new auto dealership releases. Framed Silicone Edge Graphics offer a solution to this problem with high impact graphics that allow seamless interchangeability. 

What is SEG?

SEG or Silicone Edge Graphics is a new form of signage printed on a durable fabric material and then sewn around the edge with a thin silicone strip that fits into the framing system. The large SEG graphics can be folded up to fit in a small box for transportation, but once stretched into a frame, they give a smooth and taut appearance. Easily update large graphics by simply replacing the printed fabric. Auto dealerships who once had to choose between functionality and appearance can now service both.

SEG fabric displays retail signage display tension silicone edge graphics installation install backlit lightbox light box lightboxes framing system branding retailer LED printing printer graphics graphic design frame non-lit window wall application print wide format store environments advertising visual merchandising brand visuals retailer
SEG fabric displays retail signage display tension fabric installation install silicone edge graphics backlit lightbox light box lightboxes framing system branding retailer LED printing printer graphics graphic design frame non-lit window wall application print wide format store environments advertising visual merchandising brand visuals retailer
SEG fabric displays retail signage display silicone edge graphics installation install backlit lightbox light box lightboxes framing system branding retailer LED printing printer graphics graphic design frame non-lit window wall application print wide format store environments advertising visual merchandising brand visuals retailer

What is SEG?

SEG or Silicone Edge Graphics is a new form of signage printed on a durable fabric material and then sewn around the edge with a thin silicone strip that fits into the framing system. The large SEG graphics can be folded up to fit in a small box for transportation, but once stretched into a frame, they give a smooth and taut appearance. Easily update large graphics by simply replacing the printed fabric. Auto dealerships who once had to choose between functionality and appearance can now service both.

SEG fabric displays retail signage display tension silicone edge graphics installation install backlit lightbox light box lightboxes framing system branding retailer LED printing printer graphics graphic design frame non-lit window wall application print wide format store environments advertising visual merchandising brand visuals retailer
SEG fabric displays retail signage display tension fabric installation install silicone edge graphics backlit lightbox light box lightboxes framing system branding retailer LED printing printer graphics graphic design frame non-lit window wall application print wide format store environments advertising visual merchandising brand visuals retailer
SEG fabric displays retail signage display silicone edge graphics installation install backlit lightbox light box lightboxes framing system branding retailer LED printing printer graphics graphic design frame non-lit window wall application print wide format store environments advertising visual merchandising brand visuals retailer
Auto Land Rover Dealership signage using framed silicone edge graphics

Functionality and Appearance

Printed SEG fabric at Land Rover Dealerships showcases the newest Land Rover and the off-road capabilities. The high-end look captures the attention of customers while showcasing the brand image. As the newest automotive releases take advertising priority, Silicone Edge Graphics can easily be replaced and are the perfect signage solution for car dealerships.

Car auto and land rover dealership signage with Silicone edge graphics SEG
land rover and car dealership signage using framed SEG and silicone edge graphics

Contact Us!

40 VISUALS did not produce the SEG fabric signage that is being used by Land Rover Dealerships but are printing leaders in the category. If you are interested in learning more about SEG please give us a call at 800-962-3119 or click the link below.

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land rover and car dealership signage using framed SEG and silicone edge graphics

Contact Us!

40 VISUALS did not produce the SEG fabric signage that is being used by Land Rover Dealerships but are printing leaders in the category. If you are interested in learning more about SEG please give us a call at 800-962-3119 or click the link below.

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